




As teachers, we are always in demand.  At STARBASE, we streamlined our registration process to fit your busy schedule.

Just follow steps 1-9 - ready, set, go!

Please read all of the instructions below, if you still have a question, contact Charity Johnson at or Susan Wolniakowski at or call 218-788-7288.

1. Verify participation information


Time at STARBASE __ to __ 

Number of Students in your Class

The Data is Correct        The Data is Not Correct

2. Schedule Transportation

Use your program start time below to schedule your busing transportation. Schedule your buses to arrive at the front gate 10 minutes prior to your program start time. The address to use for scheduling, as well as determining departure times for your school is: 4680 Viper Street, Duluth, MN 55811.

Program Start Time

Program End Time

All bus drivers must be vetted by security in addition to teachers, staff, and classroom volunteers. Please include your bus drivers’ 148th Fighter Wing Security Form 66 (Found in step 4) with your classroom adult forms and note ‘BUS DRIVER’ at the top of the form. (Do NOT add your bus drivers to your online adult roster.)

Per security regulations, bus drivers are NOT allowed to remain in their bus on base during the day. Drivers have two options: 1) Drivers can park the bus(es) in the long-term parking area on base and spend the day in a STARBASE classroom OR; 2) Drivers can take the bus off-site and return in the afternoon to pick-up the students. Please schedule your bus to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled program start time. Upon arrival at the base, the bus will be directed to pull into the far right visitor’s lane. At that time, all adults (including the bus driver) will be asked for their ID to confirm on the security list and a vehicle inspection may also be required. If your arrival time is delayed, your program time will be cut short. Please note that privately owned weapons of any kind are prohibited. This includes individuals that have concealed carry permits.

Please download the STARBASE Bus map below. When you are working with your local busing company regarding transportation to STARBASE, please provide them with the attached map.


3. Conduct STARBASE Preparation Lesson and Call Sign Worksheet - Mandatory

This 25 minute lesson will excite your students about STARBASE and allow them to choose their STARBASE call sign before you submit your online student roster to STARBASE.

Welcome to STARBASE letter

STARBASE Call Sign Lesson Plan

STARBASE Call Sign Student Worksheet

4. Print, Distribute and Collect STARBASE Permission Slips.

All students must have a signed STARBASE permission slip in order to attend the first day, no exceptions.  Please bring the signed permission slips with you to STARBASE on the first day and give them to your STARBASE instructor.

STARBASE Student Permission Slip

It is important to share with parents the details about the STARBASE program. The parent letter and information sheet found below should be printed and sent home with your students. The parent letter outlines the goals and activities of the program and also collects information regarding the parent volunteers you will need during the week you attend.

STARBASE Parent Letter

All adult chaperones including classroom teachers, parents, principals, and other school staff must complete a STARBASE Adult Release form to participate in the program. Please bring all adult release forms on the first day and give them to your STARBASE instructor.

STARBASE Adult Release Form

ALL adults must be approved in advance and STARBASE cannot accept security information after the one week deadline, due to base security requirements. Additionally, all adult chaperones must be US citizens to clear through the security process; if they are not, they are unable to attend due to additional time requirements for the vetting process. *If there are school teaching staff who are not US citizens, please contact STARBASE immediately for more information regarding the documentation that will be required to process their information. There is no need to ask parents for their citizenship status. The parent letter found in the link above includes further explanation for parents, and asks that parents only volunteer for STARBASE if they are a US citizen. Download the 148th Fighter Wing Security Form 66 from the link below. Distribute this form to ALL adults that will be attending STARBASE. This includes teachers, school support staff, parent volunteers, bus drivers, principal, emergency pickup personnel, and any other adult selected as an alternate or backup for your week at STARBASE. Scan and copy each of the completed 148th Fighter Wing Security Forms and email to

148th Fighter Wing Security Form

5. Collect Student Demographic Data.

Prior to arrival, each class must complete the official Department of Defense student demographic collection form. This form should be completed for only the students who will be attending STARBASE. The data must be completed by the school’s administration office. The information required for program documentation includes gender, underrepresented groups and ethnicity. After your school’s administration completes the data, please review. Please bring this form along with your other documentation on the first day. If there are any questions when filling out this data form, please contact Charity Johnson at or Susan Wolniakowski at or call 218-788-7288.

Student and School Demographic Information

6. Complete Student Online Roster

The following information must be entered for each student within 5 business days of your STARBASE experience:

  • Student ID number - Last 6 digits of MARSS number
  • First name, Last name, Call Sign
  • Gender, Ethnicity, ELL/LA (English Language Learners), Health/learning concerns.
  • 7. Complete Adult Online Roster

      Classroom teachers are required to attend STARBASE each day. Parent volunteers are welcome to attend STARBASE. Up to two adults (classroom teacher and one additional adult) are allowed per each STARBASE classroom. If a student or students require a paraprofessional, that is in addition to the two adults.

      Submit the online adult roster for all school staff and volunteers within 5 business days of your STARBASE experience. Do NOT include bus drivers on this roster unless they will be spending time inside the classroom. The following information is required for the roster:

    • First, Middle and Last Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Call Sign
    • Role at STARBASE (Teachers: Please list ONLY the adults in your own classroom. You are the only 'Classroom Teacher' who should be listed on your roster!)
    • Please only submit your online rosters ONCE when you have all student information and adult security information.

      If paras or support staff will float between classrooms, put them on the class roster where they will spend the majority of their time. Not sure where to put someone, call or email Susan at 218-788-7288.

      Don’t forget to include your principal on one of your rosters.

      8. Request Bag Lunches

      Please make sure that each of your students and adults have a lunch each day they are at STARBASE. Students can pack a home lunch, or you can request school lunches through your school cafeteria according to your school’s procedure.

      Lunch Notes: Refrigeration is not available .

      9. Resources

      5th Grade Program Description and Standards Alignment

      STARBASE Document Requirments

      STARBASE Visit Checklist

      Student Code of Conduct

      Student Dress Code

STARBASE Teacher Orientation Video: Preparation for STARBASE

STARBASE Teacher Orientation Video: What to Expect at STARBASE