We are looking forward to your arrival. On this page you will find helpful information regarding directions, where to park and dress code along with other helpful tips. If you have any additional questions that are not answered on this page, please send them to eford@starbasemn.org and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Directions to STARBASE:
Please take some time to look at the map to STARBASE found at our Contact Us page. Depending on your navigation system, if you type our address, you may find yourself arriving at the Army Reserve base gate, rather than the 133rd Airlift Wing. The bases are connected, but your security access point will be the 133rd gate. From the Highway 55/62 interchange, take Minnehaha Avenue south, toward the Whipple Federal Building and Fort Snelling Light Rail Station, and turn right onto Militia Drive. You’ll see the large sign for the 133rd! Our address is 659 Mustang Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55111.
Turn right into our security gate entrance when you see this sign:
Public Transportation: The Metro Transit Blue Line- Fort Snelling Stop arrives right in front of our security gate. Plan for an additional 15 minute walk from train to STARBASE.
Going through security:
As you approach the 133rd Airlift Wing Security Gate, please have your driver’s license ready to present to the guard. Let security know you are visiting STARBASE Minnesota. They will ask you to pull forward to the side and wait for them to confirm your information. If questions arise, they will simply call us to confirm the details.
While you are driving on base, please be sure to observe all posted signage such as speed limits and stop signs. Also- cell phone usage is not permitted on base while you are driving a vehicle. This includes texting and talking on the phone.
When you arrive:
Driving forward from the gate, you are on Minuteman Drive, and you will turn right at the stop sign onto Mustang Ave. Our building is on the right hand side of the road. Look for the STARBASE letterhead. Parking is available to the left of the building on the west side, in our staff lot by the airplanes. Use the front entry door when you enter the building. If there is no one in the entry way please walk down the hall to the office area where someone can help guide you in the right direction.
COVID Safety:
Pre-service teachers must be vaccinated to participate in field experiences or class visits. As per US Air Force mandate, masks must be worn at all times indoors and during outdoor experiments, except while eating or drinking. If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID, please inform STARBASE and reschedule your visit for another day.
Dress Code:
As most likely already required by your university, we ask that all teaching field experience candidates dress in business-casual attire. Because you will be in contact with other professionals, we just ask that there are no jeans, hooded sweatshirts, graphic T-shirts, athletic pants, etcetera.
We do not have a cafeteria or vending in our building, so if needed, please pack your own lunch and/or snacks. Please note, student lunch time varies each day.
Come up with a callsign!
At STARBASE, it is tradition for students, staff, volunteers, teachers, and university field experience teachers to come up with a callsign. A callsign is a “nickname” or “codename” you will go by during your time at STARBASE and it often describes you, has personal significance, or is related to something you like! Some examples of pre-service teaching callsigns we have had in the past include: “Jupiter”, “Ace”, “Google”, “Raspberry”, “Hoops”, “Raven”, and “Pi” among others!